The proper development of plants depends not only on proper watering or sprinkling. Rooting preparations have also proven useful as they allow plants to grow faster and absorb more valuable nutrients. In this section you will find carbonated drinks that stimulate root growth, cloning kits and many other useful accessories that are undoubtedly very useful when caring for even very small plants. With the help of our mini greenhouse (promoters) you can provide the right climate for plants. We provide lighting, including LED lighting and energy-saving bulbs. Our offer also includes an air spreader, which ensures faster and more effective plant development in the early stages. It allows you to place even one hundred and fifty seedlings, which will make them suitable for faster transplantation.

Cannaboom Raimil Fullcrem 600 ml - Rooting Stimulator + CANNIBAL 280ml GRATIS

Cannaboom Boomrapid Fullcrem 5 L - growth fertilizer with high NPK
- phase application:
- Capacity (L):

Cannaboom Boomrapid Fullcrem 1 L - growth fertilizer with high NPK
- phase application:
- Capacity (L):

Cannaboom Boomrapid Fullcrem 300 ml - growth fertilizer with high NPK
- phase application:
- Capacity (L):

Seed Excel Levo Organics 250ml - rapid seed germination, stronger roots

- phase application:
- Capacity (L):

GHE Roots Terra Aquatica Booster 1L - root booster
- phase application:
- Capacity (L):

Plant Success - Great White Premium Mycorrhizae 113,4g | Mycoris powder
- weight (kg):
- phase application: