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The neptune 500L flexible tank presented is a useful element of small domestic hydroponic crops. The small capacity, as well as the lightweight design of the tank, make it possible to place it practically anywhere, for example, in a small garage, cell or attic of the house. The reservoir can therefore become the primary source of supply of hydroponic crops with water enriched with various mineral substances, necessary for the rapid growth of the plants we grow. Hydroponics and hydroponic crops are a specific technique for growing plants under strictly controlled conditions, without soil involvement. Plants are grown on biologically neutral granules, and the only source of nutrients responsible for their growth is water, which we enrich with special fertilizers. Using the presented flexible tank with neptune 500L tap, it is easier to prepare a suitable mixture of water and minerals, and then dose it to individual plants that have been hooked up to the irrigation system created by us.
- capacity:500L - dimensions: wed:80 cm, height:100 cm - material strength up to 70°C |

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